Welcome to my Home !
Welcome everybody to Limti Studio: I have lied out for you a few stories that I hope you find interesting and entertaining. Here We are considering collecting and displaying a guide to a new project. What once was Drawing for the pleasure of drawing is no more. Just Imagining new combination of what I know and all I have learnt. Creating out of my memory and personal motives what I think it's intersting. I make thoughts take shape and soul. I Inspire myself and produce as I always have..not very often. then I Take a good look at my creation flattering myself and then I look better and it's not that good. I thought: Push the boundaries, be incredible...but don't have that. I rather direct my images and hope to get a movie begin, and live the adventure.
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Dear Visitor, welcome to Limiti Studio, the great non-company, non-studio that you were waiting for!
We are an incredible bunch of super-creative individuals with a particular amount of experience in our field of expertise, working, collaborating and living together in our own head.
We are all but omniscient and we've been on the global market for no time, contributing to no causes, constantly active, and willing to improve our results to the maximum level of nonchalance. Our extensive expertise in a relaxed attitude and an eye for irrelevant topics have allowed us to remain indifferent to the world's main philosophical debates to instead focus on the lazy wonder of the mind and any light achievement that requires little to zero effort. We don't quite have a specific subject or object and often excel in resting immersed in num indolence. That notwithstanding when we operate, we do so in a field that is paramount to humanity and inevitable to the same, that is the reach for glory through the making of beautiful sketches and imaginative Art! Practically, as a non-committed group that enjoys scribbling random doodles - we don't fit into the fervent and ever-changing show business - we're pretty much just hoping that sheer luck combined with minimal effort will help us achieve a staggering set of eye-catching illustrations and mind-blowing kids’ stories that we can sell for billions.
For the sake of our good spirit, we specialize in delivering non-philosophical messages, and we feel confident in saying that anything we have and will produce that might appear meaningful is just the result of a coincidence and completely unintentional. On the subject, our committee has deliberated that "profound message deliverers" are just simple-minded scammers or/and obsessed wannabe prophets, or worse. However, we're open to changing our minds if we see any personal gain from interacting with the public by blabbering crazy propaganda.
Are you interested in any of the relevant subjects that we have mentioned? We welcome you to delve into our imaginative world, and hope you use your set of child eyes to enjoy!